A key benefit of living in Limerick is workers’ commute times are much lower than in the rest of Ireland, with two-thirds of the working population at work in less than thirty minutes.
With motorway connectivity already in place to both Dublin and Galway cities - and another, to Cork, in the National Development Plan - Limerick is one of Ireland’s most accessible urban centres. Thanks to this network, today it has a catchment of over 1million people living within just 90 minutes’ drive and over 3million within two and a half hours.
The city also has strong rail connectivity from Colbert Station in the heart of the city, with connections to Dublin, Cork, Galway and Waterford cities and beyond.
But one of its key strengths is its proximity to Shannon Airport, with its daily access to the US, UK and mainland Europe. Over 40% of US FDI companies are located within Shannon Airport’s catchment, reflecting its importance as a key enabler of business in and for the region.
Limerick is also at the head of the Shannon Estuary, which is among Europe’s deepest waters and home to Shannon Foynes Port - Ireland’s largest deep-water port and one emerging as an international renewable energy hub.