“Sometimes the eye doesn’t see an object’s detail but working with it digitally on a computer screen reveals so much” - volunteer at training session for Limerick 3D Project.
When you look at a Grecian urn or a Bronze Age statue you would like to know what it feels like, does it have anything on the back or underneath, or inside. For instance our Gold Pomander/Momento Mori; opens up on a hinge to show tiny compartments for spices and herbs, but most people only get to see one facet of it and behind a glass case. 3D digitisation allows everyone to virtually get inside the object.
Thanks to one of the Heritage Council, European Year of Cultural Heritage grants and support from Limerick City and County Council, the Hunt Museum is undertaking the Limerick 3D Project together with Digital Heritage Age.
Gary Dempsey, from Digital Heritage Age, who leads training said: “the idea that we can make the amazing Hunt Museum objects accessible as 3D online is very exciting”.
The project gives an intensive programme of training in photogrammetry. A number of sessions have been held to train the trainers. This approach will multiply the numbers of people able to learn this form of 3D digitisation. Photogrammetry is a process that uses photography to record objects and special software to process them and generate the 3D models.Several 3D models of Hunt Museum collection objects have already been generated and can be explored on the ‘Limerick 3D project’
As well as delivering digital versions of the objects in the Hunt Museum, which will go online via Sketchfab.com, the project is cross generational and trains local people in digital skills.
For Heritage Week 2018, visitors to the museum can have a very hands-on experience or just look at the results so far. Hands-on means learning how to use the technology involved and even handling some of the original objects that are being digitised. A very rare opportunity to touch and share history.
We also have archaeologist Dr Ros O Maolduin of the Irish Prehistoric Field School giving a talk on the use of 3D modelling in archaeology to record landscapes, sites, and finds. He will present 3D models of ancient burial sites he has recently excavated in the Burren including the wedge tombs and barrows at Fanore.
Heritage Week @Hunt Museum. All events are free. ‘Limerick 3D project’ Hands-on - using digitising technology and handling objects will take place on Thursday 23rd and Saturday 25th August from 11am to 1pm. Dr Ros O Maoldúin’s illustrated talk will take place on Thursday 23rd August, 7pm to 8pm. For further information please contact Maria Cagney, Curator of Education and Outreach on 061 312833 or education@huntmuseum.com or go to http://www.huntmuseum.com/events