Limerick offers the perfect environment for cutting-edge US businesses to find a home in Europe. Discover Nathan's story.
Californian native, Nathan heads up multi-national Edward Lifesciences. Having relocated here for work he has been seduced by Limerick and is now one its greatest advocates.
“What motivates me is being part of an industry that helps people. I love being part of the medical device industry, helping people that don't really have a whole lot of other options. Its very, very fulfilling, very rewarding work.
The thing I value most about Limerick is it being a great place for my family to live. I've been married for 15 years. My wife's the centre of my universe, three kids, and looking out for them is probably what I focus on most.
One thing that's unique about Limerick is how connected people are. It really helped my family feel welcomed and connected as part of a community very quickly.
Some of my favourite go-to spots in Limerick are catching a hurling match, going to some great restaurants. If you want to get outside, Curraghchase Forest Park is amazing. Ballyhoura has amazing mountain biking as well. There are a lot of places to go.
I'm from California originally. We chose Limerick because its an amazing place to do business.
What stands out is an amazing university and the people that are available here.
I think Limerick has an edge over other cities and counties in Ireland. It seems to have everything, all the amenities without having lost the connectedness that people really value in a smaller community. Its in this amazing sweet spot between those two.
I see Limerick growing tremendously in the future. I think that we're going to see a lot more investment in the area. I think we're going to see businesses thriving and growing. I think we're going to see the waterfront developing and I think we're going to see the University of Limerick continue to shine.”