Plans have been unveiled by Limerick City and County Council for the re-development of Limerick’s premier street – O’Connell Street. The O’Connell Street Revitalisation Project covers the area between the junctions with Denmark Street/ Arthur’s Quay and Cecil Street/ Lower Cecil Street. The overarching aim of the project is for the street to be primarily pedestrian priority, while being flexible in use.
O’Connell Street and Thomas Street are currently having a facelift as part of the O’Connell Street Revitalisation project in Limerick City. The work is taking place on a phased basis, this phase will finish in Q2 2023.
The aim is to re-invigorate Limerick's main street, expand pedestrian facilities and provide dedicated cycling and public transport links.
While there are some traffic restrictions in place, businesses remain open and accessible to the public. Whether it’s for retail therapy, enjoying a coffee with friends or taking the Three Bridges Walk with your family, re-embrace your city!
The project includes:
- Wider footpaths to facilitate people gathering, on-street trading, and 'spill out zones' from shops and cafés on the street
- Provision of street furniture on O'Connell Street including seating areas, trees, planting, bicycle stands, and lighting, as well as features such as sculptures, pedestrian plazas and water installations
- Dedicated cycle lanes to facilitate active travel
- Introduction of public transport infrastructure and reduction in the width of traffic lanes
- Raised table junctions to slow down traffic
- Relocation of parking and loading spaces from O'Connell Street to adjacent side streets
The O’Connell Street Revitalisation project is co-funded with €4m from the European Regional Development Fund’s S&E Regional Operational Programme 2014-20 Designated Urban Centres Grant Scheme, managed by the Southern Regional Assembly, and Limerick City and County Council.